Monday, April 27, 2015

Unit 8 project: Accessorizing

Slides 5, 7 and 23 say exactly what must be done for the project. 

This project should not be one team member’s computer. Yes, you will make a PowerPoint presentation but you can gather information using Padlet as well as Titanpad.

It is impossible for all of the project’s information to be on one team member’s computer because then you are not working as a team.

You are a team. Everyone must be doing something (even if you’re missing team members) .  

These are different tasks that can be done by different team members…….

Task 1

* A team member can make an idea board with the pictures from the Internet of what helped you think up the concept of your new accessory. [see slide#13

Isaac Newton said, “"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." That means, great ideas use previous ideas for help.

Gather pictures of ideas that helped you with your new idea.

Task 2 

* A team member can write the history the accessory for your presentation [see slide #11]

Who who made the accessory first? What was it made out of? Where was it made? When was it made? Why was it made (what was the first purpose of the accessory?) How has the accessory changed from it's beginning to today? The history should be brief (not simply copy from Wikipedia).

Task 3 

* A team member can draw (or use a photo design program to make) a picture of the accessory [see slide #15]

Task 4 

* A team member must describe the new accessory. What makes it innovative/different/new/special?

Task 5 

* A team member can write about to which niche you will market your accessory [see slide #18]

What is the age, gender, income, and interests of your target customer?

Task 6

* A team member can make a logo for your accessory company [see slide #18]

Remember to think about what shape, character, or symbol next year company most attractive?

Task 7

* A team member can design the packaging for your accessory [see slide #18]

What special container will you sell your accessory in?

Task 8

* A team member can make a magazine advertisement for accessory (someone will need to put together the pictures for the advertisement and someone will need to write the words) [see slide #19]

Will you use celebrities or comedy to sell your product? Will you emphasize the accessories style or practicality?

(design websites:,

* A team member can make a video commercial for your accessory. (someone will need to write the words you say in the commercial and someone well also need to edit the video) [see slide #19]

Will you use celebrities or comedy to sell your product? Will you emphasize the accessories style or practicality?

* A team member can make a website for your fake company to sell the accessory [see slide #19]

Task 9

A team member can put the information together into a PowerPoint presentation [see slide# 22]

Make sure you have:
* Your team members names (and state what task each team member did for the project)
* A logo for your accessory company
* A picture/drawing of your accessory
* A description of your accessory
* A brief history of your accessory (not simply copy from Wikipedia)
* Your idea/concept for your accessory
* Advertisement/commercial for your accessory
* A description of your accessory’s Target customer/ nich market.
* A statement about what you learned about Fashion/ marketing?

*upload PowerPoint presentation to a padlet once completed and send teacher the link . 
Do not e-mail files that are several MB to your teacher

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