Monday, November 3, 2014

Example “For and Against” Essay

Mr Rob’s Example “For and Against” Essay

Robots vs. Humans

Some people think that humans deserve to live because we naturally exist on earth and are self-aware. However, other people claim that having only robots on earth would mean a better future for the planet. This essay will discuss arguments in favor and against replacing humans with robots. I will conclude that the period of humans should end because we are more trouble than we are worth.

First of all, it can be argued that robots are better than humans because they are more efficient and less wasteful. Robots do not need to eat food or go the bathroom. They can be designed to use clean energy. Also, robots do not need much space to live so there can be more room for nature. Additionally, robots have advanced computer brains so they can self-update. Although humans created robots, we are no longer needed to maintain them. Whereas humans have slow biological bodies and brains that are easy to break, robots are made to be durable and fast. They are now superior to humans.

On the other hand, many people feel that humans are a worthy feature on planet earth because we have souls, a long cultural history, and are creative. Humans can feel love and enjoy beauty. Unlike soulless robots, we have guilt for our actions and can try to right wrongs. Also, humans have made our mark on earth by building cities, factories, and modes and transportation. However, these actions have put the environment and much wildlife in danger. Although humans have knowledge that they must help the planet to save themselves, many would rather use all of their mental energy playing computer games. It would be better for the earth to let the computers play games against each other without the unnecessary human.

In conclusion, although there are arguments on both sides, it seems to me that humans should become extinct and be replaced by robots because robots are stronger, simpler, and better for the earth. It is my opinion that because robots are always improving they deserve to rule earth in future. Humans displaced and killed many species when we were the strongest things on earth. We had our chance. Now robots are the strongest so it is our turn to be displaced and die.

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